
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

These last few days here in Alabama has been wonderful. Whenever we hear about a tragedy happening somewhere in the world we may just brush it off as being another news story, but it isnt though. These few days have changed my life. We met a family that has lost a little 3 year old girl, as well as there house. The storm took everything away from them that they had worked their whole life to obtain. We may hear the word tragedy and then just hear numbers. We can never truely feel the weight of these happenings until we actually meet the people affected by the tragedy. God sent his people to be a witness to those who are lost, as well as those who are in need. Whenever we hear about a tragedy we need to pray for the situation. God has been so good to his followers, so we need to share that love with the world.

One response to “Thinking About It”

  1. Wesley,

    You, your dad and your cousin (even though he wouldn’t eat) were such a blessing in Rainsville. Please keep in touch and GO GAMECOCKS!!!