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Thoughts & Inspiration

God speaks, we hear Him if we listen

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         So being awake early today, I do what I often do when I am awake too early in the morning, pray…. This morning God put a song on my heart while I was praying. It was Chris Tomlin's…

first night

The teams arrived and got settled.  After dinner, Kelli Gardner shared what God has been doing in her life in the last 2 years.  She has learned that as she takes a step of faith, God has already prepared the…

Day Three!

Its our second to last day of the trip, and things are still keeping busy! Its so exciting to see how the progress on miss Carol’s house is continuing to give her hope. Some of the group has started working…

Shout out from Alabama!

Greetings from Rainsville Alabama! I'm here this week with a great group from Darien, Conecticut and we are continuing the work on Miss Carrol's house! This has proved to be a great project to be a part of. THe group…

Hope Resurrected

Part of the team from Lake Placid Florida clearing the yard at Miss Carol's.  From Kelli Gardner, a Destiny Church International member.  Hope Resurrected Praise Report…When I met Carol last November I had no idea to the extent God would…

Update on Mac

Here we see the corn from the last crop that grew before the tornado.  The flower next to it is a symbol of new life. Mac’s 45 acres cleared the inspection!  The Korean team from NJ that we mingled with at the…

How Do I Put God First?

This past week on the missions trip, I’ve been journaling each day about the devotionals and the day’s work. The impact the week has had on me is pretty obvious if you were to read the day-to-day entries. The first…